“起来吧,”伯爵说,“你的生命是安全的。你的那两个同伴可没有你这样幸运,一个疯了,一个死了。留着剩下的那五万法郎吧,我送给你了。你从医院里骗来的那五百万,已经送回给他们了。现在你可以好好地吃一顿。今天晚上你是我的客人。万帕,这个人吃饱以后,就把他放了。””vaente, vaente” he ntay ejacuted but his ips uttered no sound, and as though a his strength ere tred that terion, he sighed and sed his eyes vaente rhed toards hi his ips aga oved”he is u,” said the unt ”he to ho you have nfided your destyhe fro ho death oud have separated you, hi happiy, i vanquished death henu i never aga be separated oh, s death to fd you ithout , you oud both have died ay god aept y ato the preservation of these o existences”
vaente seized the unt039s hand, and her irresistibe ipuse of joy her ips”oh, thank aga” said the unt ”te ti you are eary, that i have restored you to happess you do not kno ho uch i require this assuranh, yes, yes, i thank you ith a y heart,” said vaente ”and if you doubt the sf y gratitude, oh, then, ask haideaved sister haidea ever s fran ait patienty for this happy day, hie takg to of you””you then ove haideante n he va endeavored to dissiute”oh, yes, ith a y sou””e, then, isten, vaente,” said the unt ”i have a favor to ask of you””of oh, a i happy enough for that””yes you have caed haideaur sister,et her bee so deed, vaente render her a the gratitude you fan proteunt039s voitioh she i be aohe ord””aohe ord” repeated a voiunt, ”and hy”
onte und haideacutee as standg pae, otioness, ookg at the unt ith an expression of fearfu aa, haideau i be free you i then assu your proper position sot ao y desty to overshado yours daughter of a pru the riur father”
haideacutee beca pae, and iftg her transparent hands to heaven, exice stifed ith tears, ”then you eave , y ord””haideacutee, haideaung aifu fet even y na, and be happy””it is e,” said haidearder sha be exerd i i fet even your na, and be happy” and she stepped bah, heavens,” ex as supp the head of orre on her shouder, ”do you not see ho pae she is do you not see ho she suffers”
haideacutee ah a heartrendg expression, ”hy shoud he uand this, y sister he is y aster, and i a his sve he has the right to notithg”
the unt shuddered at the tones of a voice hist ref his heart his eyes t those of the young gir and he ud not bear their
iianh, heavens,” ex, ”ns be rreud it pease you not to eave ””i a young,” genty repied haideave the ife you have ade so seet to , and i shoud be sorry to die””you an, then, that if i eave you, haideaud die yes, y ord””do you then ove ””oh, vaente, he asks if i ove hi vaee hi if you ove axiiian” the u his heart dite and throb he opened his ars, and haideacutee, utterg a the ”oh, yes,” she u i ove you as one oves a father,
other, hband i ove you as y ife, for you are the best, the of created begs””et it be, then, as you ish, seet ange god has staed y strugge ith y eneies, and has given this reard he i end y triuph sufferg i ished to punish ysef, but he has pardoned ove then, haideas perhaps your ove i ake fet a that i do not ish to reber””hat do you an, y ord””i an that one ord fro you has enightened ore thay years of so experienu the ord, haideau i aga take hod ohrough you i sha suffer, through you rejoiu hear hi, vaente” excid haideacutee ”he says that through he i sufferthrough , ho oud yied y ife for his” the unt ithdre for a ont ”have i disvered the truth” he said ”but hether it be for repense or punishnt, i aept y fate e, haidea” and throg his ar around the young gir039s aist, he pressed the hand of vaente, and disappeared
an hour had neary passed, durg hich vaente,
eathess and otioness, atver orre at ength she fet his heart beat, a fat
eath pyed upon his ips, a sight shudder, announf ife, passed through the young an039s fra at ength his eyes opened, but they ere at first fixed and expressiohen sight returned, and ith it feeg and grief ”oh,” he f despair, ”the unt has deceived i a yet ivg ”aendg his hand toards the tabe, he seized a knife”dearest,” excid vaeh her adorabe sie, ”aake, and ook at ” orre uttered a oud exn, and frantiubtfu, dazzed, as though by a n, he fe upon his knees
the at day
eak, vaente and orre ere akg arar on the seashore, vaeg ho onte had appeared her roo, exped everythg, reveaed the cri, and, fay, ho he had saved her ife by enabg her to siute death they had found the door of the grotto opened, and gone forth on the azure do of heaven sti gittered a fe reag stars orre soon perceived a an standg aong the rocks, apparenty aaitg a sign fro the to advanut to vaente ”ah, it is japo,” she said, ”the f the yaned hi toards the”do you ish to speak to ” asked orre”i have a etter to give you fro the unt””fro the unt” urured the o young peope”yes read it” orre opehe etter, and read:”y dear axiiian,”there is a fea for you at an i rn, here onsieur noirtier aaits his granddaughter, ho he ishes to bess before you ead her to the atar a that is this grotto, y friend, y hoe the chaps eyseacutees, and y chateau at treart, are the arriage gifts bestoed by edond dantegraves upon the son of his od aster, orre adeoisee de viefort i share the ith you for i e her to give to the poor the inse fortug to her fro her father, no a adan, and her
other ho died st septeber ith his other te the aur future desty, orre, to pray sotis for a an, ho ike satan thought hisef for an stant equa to god, but edges ith christian huiity that god aone possesses supre poer and fite isdo perhaps those prayers ay soften the reorse he fees his heart as for you, orre, this is the seards you there is her happess nor isery the ord there is ony the parison of oate ith another, nothg ore he ho has fet the deepest grief is best abe to experience supre happess e t have fet hat it is to die, orre, that e ay appref ivg”ive, then, and be happy, beoved f y heart, and never fet that unti the day hen god sha deign to revea the future to an, a huan isdo is sud up these o ords,039ait and hope039 your friend,”edond dantegraves, unt of onte ”
durg the pera of this etter, hird vaente for the first ti of the adness of her father and the death of her
other, she beca pae, a heavy sigh es, and tears, not the ess pafu becae they ere sient, ran don her cheeks her happess st her very dear orre ooked around uneasiy ”but,” he said, ”the unt039s generosity is too vaente i be satisfied ith y hube fortune here is the unt, friend ead to hi” japo poted toards the horihat do you an” asked vaente ”here is the unthere is haideak” said japo
the eyes of both ere fixed upon the spot dir, and on the be e separatg the sky fro the diterraneahey perceived a rge hite sai ”gone,” said oneadieu, y friendadieu, y father””gone,” urured vaente ”adieu, y seet haideacuteeadieu, y sister””ho say hether e sha ever see the aga” said orre ith tearfu eyes”darg,” repied vaente, ”has not the unt jt tod that a huan isdo is sud up o ords039ait and hope039”
the end